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Statements of Purpose

The Home is required to develop and keep under review a Statement of Purpose. The Statement of Purpose should be child-focused, indicating how the Home provides individualised care to meet the Quality Standards for the children in their care.

The information set out in the Statement of Purpose is an essential part of the process of agreement that a placement in that Home is the right one for that child, and that the Home will be able to respond effectively to the child's assessed needs.

Emergency admissions should not be taken unless the Home's Statement of Purpose and its capacity and support systems mean that it has the capability to care for children admitted at very short notice while continuing to offer high quality care to children already living in the Home.

Quality and purpose of care

  1. A statement of the range of needs of the children for whom it is intended that the Home is to provide care and accommodation;
  2. Details of the Home’s ethos, the outcomes that the Home seeks to achieve and its approach to achieving them;
  3. A description of the accommodation offered by the Home, including:
    1. How accommodation has been adapted to the needs of children;
    2. The age range, number and sex of children for whom it is intended that accommodation is to be provided; and
    3. The type of accommodation, including sleeping accommodation.
  4. A description of the location of the Home;
  5. The arrangements for supporting the cultural, linguistic and religious needs of children;
  6. Details of who to contact if a person has a complaint about the Home and how that person can access the Home’s Complaints policy;
  7. Details of how a person, body or organisation involved in the care or protection of a child can access the Home’s child protection policies or the behaviour management policy.

Views, wishes and feelings

  1. A description of the Home’s policy and approach to consulting children about the quality of their care;
  2. A description of the Home’s policy and approach in relation to:
    1. Anti-discriminatory practice in respect of children and their families; and
    2. Children’s rights.


  1. Details of provision to support children with special educational needs;
  2. If the Home is registered as a school, details of the curriculum provided by the Home and the management and structure of the arrangements for education;
  3. If the Home is not registered as a school, the arrangements for children to attend local schools and the provision made by the Home to promote children’s educational achievement.

Enjoyment and achievement

  1. The arrangements for enabling children to take part in and benefit from a variety of activities that meet their needs and develop and reflect their creative, intellectual, physical and social interests and skills.


  1. Details of any healthcare or therapy provided, including:
    1. Details of the qualifications and professional supervision of the staff involved in providing any healthcare or therapy; and
    2. Information about how the effectiveness of any healthcare or therapy provided is measured, the evidence demonstrating its effectiveness and details of how the information or the evidence can be accessed.

Positive relationships

  1. The arrangements for promoting contact between children and their families and friends.

Protection of children

  1. A description of the Home’s approach to the monitoring and surveillance of children;
  2. Details of the Home’s approach to behavioural support, including information about:
    1. The Home’s approach to restraint in relation to children; and
    2. How persons working in the Home are trained in restraint and how their competence is assessed.

Leadership and management

  1. The name and work address of:
    1. The registered provider;
    2. The responsible individual (if one is nominated); and
    3. The registered manager (if one is appointed).
  2. Details of the experience and qualifications of staff, including any staff commissioned to provide education or health care;
  3. Details of the management and staffing structure of the Home, including arrangements for the professional supervision of staff, including staff that provide education or health care;
  4. If the staff are all of one sex, or mainly of one sex, a description of how the Home promotes appropriate role models of other sexes.

Care planning

  1. Any criteria used for the admission of children to the Home, including any policies and procedures for emergency admission;
  2. Nottingham City Children Homes have a Statement of Purpose. This is produced to meet the regulatory requirements and the Quality Standards;
  3. The aims and objectives of the Statement of Purpose are focused on the care of the children within our homes and it shows how we will meet the outcomes for all children and young people we care for;
  4. We have a statement of purpose which is available within our Local Resources. It details the facilities and services the home provides along with the systems in place to ensure that the homes meets their aims and objectives, working in partnership with Birmingham City Council, Education and Health services, and other agencies and professionals and in partnership with Children and Young People and their families;
  5. The Statement of Purpose is kept under review and revised as appropriate on a regular basis.

Last Updated: May 31, 2024
